
Nuclear Power and Fukushima Finances 4

Building Boxes, No Alternate Funding Source

In the late 1970s, the towns of Tomioka and Naraha went on a building spree. Recreation halls, lodging centers, roads, schools, sewers ... all built with "Electric Power Money." Tomioka and Naraha share Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant. Younger residents urged them to think 20 or 30 years in the future - but the office directing regional development using the grants didn't listen.


Nuclear Power and Fukushima Finances 3

Mutual Dependence & Mutual Profit

Over its 45-year lifespan, a nuclear power reactor will bring in about 121.5 billion yen (about $1.6 billion at 78 yen/dollar) in government subsidies to the prefecture and municipalities around its location. This funding system is deeply entwined in the region.